Best Home Automations for Disabled People

Nowadays, many aspects of life have been adjusted following ADA compliance. They include public facilities, offices, homes, and even websites. All of them should have simple accessibility that disabled people can access without any issue. If you have a company website, it would be much better to redesign your website using ADA-compliance standards. You can learn more about it at the website accessibility check guide. Aside from the company, individuals also need to adjust their homes following ADA compliance. This article will look at the best home automation solutions for disabled people following ADA compliance.
Home automation methods offer a wide selection of excellent features that can make anyone’s life easier and more enjoyable. However, this is especially important for disabled or older adults who have particular accessibility issues with their property. When most men and women think of accessible home technology, they often think of stairlifts and easily accessible showers or bathtubs. They might also think of handrails, installation of soft knobs, and that’s about it. But with today’s technology, you can do much, much more. From using your phone for a management system to replace some hard-to-reach switches to automatic doors and electric closet doors, this report provides an overview of some of the best home automation technologies.
Lighting Controls
The most apparent home automation technology to mention is lighting control. The ability to control lights via remote control or smartphone app is a great tool for mobility issues or difficulty reaching soft buttons. If that’s your requirement, you can also do it for a fairly low price. Both of these products are energy-efficient bulbs with a long lifespan. It could be purchased with a small remote control and require no installation beyond replacing your typical bulb that runs on the mains variety. These bulbs can be used in both floor lamps and ceiling lights. You can buy a controller with a WiFi connection that allows you to use an app on your smartphone to control your lights for a little more money.
Automatic Door Opening Systems
For people who use wheelchairs and those with limited mobility, opening doors can be a major issue. Sure, it is possible, but it isn’t easy, which is why you can grant an automatic opening system to any door you have on your premises. In a home environment, an automatic door is slightly different from those that most of us experience in our daily lives at entrances to public buildings, stores, offices, etc. These systems use a sensor to determine if a person is walking closer to the door. This probably wouldn’t work so well in your home because you could choose to approach your door without going through it, so you don’t need it to close and open all the time for no reason.
Wireless Socket Control
Everyone knows that turning off appliances drives up your electricity bill. Therefore, it is much better to turn things off at the end of the day to avoid waste and save money. Wireless outlet control is your solution. Many alternatives will allow you to turn off your outlets. You can buy outlets that have this functionality built-in and remote control and buy them from many areas like Amazon. Perhaps, you can use a system like LightwaveRF that includes this attribute and, you guessed it, the ability to control outlets from a phone program.
Monitoring and Alerts
For frail and older adults and women, anyone accident-prone, and a wide collection of other groups, an electronic monitoring and alarm system can be vital. There’s such a wide range of systems on the market that it’s hard to give an overview here. However, the basic idea is to get an electronic system that automatically monitors when there’s a problem. Imagine your home continually looking out for you to make sure everything is okay and at your expense if something else happens!